Last night I discovered one more passionate activist for animals rights, Joey Carbstrong. Among the videos he is uploading on his personal channel on You tube, he has one video from a Halal slaughterhouse ( Halal means clean in Arabic and it;s the only way of killing an animal which is accepted by Muslims in order to eat the meat of an animal. This way of slaughtering is taking place without stunning the animal - not that when the animals are stunned they get anesthetized or don't feel the pain, but like this they can't move so it's more to facilitate the slaughterer than for the comfort of the animal). Which of course I did NOT watch because I am not as strong as activists like him are...who are able to enter slaughterhouses and dairy industry premises in order to expose what is going in there - hoping that people will wake up and make the connection (just like I woke up, by watching the first 20-30 minutes of Earthlings)...
However I watched the video he uploaded after this horrendous experience because he received many messages from followers who were worried about him, asking if he is suffering from PTSD , how will he recover after being witness to something like that etc. I also decided to watch 2 more video of his which are showing rescued farm animals. Pigs and cows, ducks, sheep, goats, hens, turkeys...Animals which - as the owner of the sanctuary stated - we must call as survivors. Because they indeed are survivors of a holocaust that is taking place everywhere, on a daily basis, next to us and no one is talking about it.
No one except us - the activists, the vegans who we are - in the eyes of an average person - unbalanced, oversensitive, extreme etc.
And in case the comparison to the holocaust is something you consider inappropriate or extreme, watch what a survivor of the Holocaust has to say about the first time he saw a slaughterhouse (and since then he has been dedicated to the fight for animals rights)
Below you can read several quotes from some Holocaust survivors / people who lost family during the Holocaust:
“I refuse to eat animals because I cannot nourish myself by the sufferings and by the death of other creatures. I refuse to do so, because I suffered so painfully myself that I can feel the pains of others by recalling my own sufferings.”
Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz, Dachau concentration camp survivor
“Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.”
Theodor W. Adorno
"In their behaviour towards creatures, all men are Nazi."
Isaac Bashevis Singer – a member of a family perished in the Holocaust and a Nobel Prize winner
“When I see cages crammed with chickens from battery farms thrown on trucks like bundles of trash, I see, with the eyes of my soul, the Umschlagplatz (where Jews were forced onto trains leaving for the death camps). When I go to a restaurant and see people devouring meat, I feel sick. I see a holocaust on their plates.”
Georges Metanomski, a Holocaust survivor who fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
I decided to watch videos of rescued farm animals because I cannot keep fighting for a cause which sometimes seems lost, without "charging" my soul's batteries.
Today my good friend and co-warrior Anastasia shared a photo by another passionate activist, Joshua Entis, showing some activists in UK looking towards a slaughterhouse, somewhere in England. They cannot see but they can hear.
12-10-2017: England - Outside of a slaughterhouse where million of animals are driven to death |
"Dear Animals,
We see you. We see the pain in your eyes. We see how innocent you are. We see how much you want to live.
We hear you. We hear your voices loud and clear. We hear your screams. We hear how terrified you are.
Please, hang in there.
There are many of us fighting for you. We know it might not look like many, but, we promise that is changing. Every day there are more of us opening our eyes and ears in order to see and hear the beautiful beings that you are.
We will help the world find the compassion within their hearts to extend love to all of you. We will never stop until you are free.
With so much love,
Bearing witness outside Forge Farm Meats as hundreds of innocent animals are forced to their death.
Kent Animal Save"
It was impossible for me not to cry reading this. Because it is true, we see how innocent they are, how much they want to live. As much as I want to live, as much as you, who are reading this text now, want, as much as my dogs want, as much as the cat you saw the other day wants, as much as the dolphins for whom people sign petitions to set them free want, as much as the rhinos and the elephants who you are reading that are threatened by poachers because they want to sell their bones want and this drives you nuts, as much as EVERYONE wants.
And yes, we are many out there fighting for them. Daily. Some of us have even decided that our life is dedicated to this fight no matter the cost.And indeed, we will not stop, unless they are all free.And even if I know that my physical self will not be here to experience this total animal liberation when it will take place, this doesn't bother me. Nothing can bother me.
Nothing, except the ignorance of an average human being. Nothing can make me lose my hope as much as seeing people, younger than me who pose with pride for a photo at their friend's hot-dog business. A moment where already the WHO has stated that processed meat (ham, salami etc) are carcinogenics, to see a young person at the age of 25-26 bragging for their parents business which only sows death, drives me crazy.
There are moments that I want to scream "WATCH!LISTEN!" to these people.
Have they ever thought that the sausage is part of an animal who was boiled alive in order to die?
An animal which is more clever than the dog, an animal with feelings who was dreaming when sleeping like us, who loved their family? An animal which was born, lived and killed in the darkness?An animal which only felt fear and which never smelled fresh air? That, before dying, it had shit itself when fighting for its life in a space where it got killed with violence, a space which only smells urine and fear of death?
And the fact that it smells of death is something that the slaughterers have stated. But, as Joey has said, it doesn't smell death. It smells of MURDER! Because meat is MURDER!
And I wonder....
When will the people around us realize that we are not crazy? When will the people who love us understand that when they are ordering latte or toast with cheese, we directly see in front of us the baby which was taken from its mother with violence and we hear again and again the mother's cry which lasts for days, searching for her baby? A baby that was a result of rape. Rape by humans.
And with that "opportunity" I am sharing here with you something that a woman wrote yesterday in regards to the campaign against the harassment and rape: "#metoo Yes. I too was harassed and abused sexually, physically, verbally, emotionally and economically. I was lucky to have the support of my human language, my freedom, lawyers, psychologists, doctors and police that are available to humans, and family and friends that live in freedom to be able to support me. )
I feel blessed about my privilege to be able to find support, while each day I honor and remember all human and non-human females that do not have a voice and their freedom to get protection, defense or support in any way.
I do not differentiate between humans and animals. To me all females are females. All mothers are mothers. All daughters are daughters. All sisters are sisters. We are all animals that come from and go to the same source. Sometimes as humans and others as animals. This is truly the real meaning of#weareone #onelove #love "
I want the people who don't understand us to learn that the machine with which they are impregnating the cows is called rape rack (I mean, what else do these people need to learn in order to accept that it's indeed a rape since the very name of the machine has the word rape in it???).
I want these people to get to know that the way the sperm of the bull is collected is this one:
And in case they are "luckier" (meaning they get to have real sex with a cow), I want them to watch how they are enjoying the sex that they have to do it tied up. But they have to watch it with order to hear how cows are enjoying it. And to focus on the eyes of the bull.
I also want them to learn that in order to produce cheese, rennet is needed which is a complex of enzymes produced in the 4th stomach of the young animals of ruminant mammals (cows, sheep, goats). This helps the young animals to digest their mother's milk. In the case they use rennet from an animal that is no longer breast feeding, the cheese may be of lower quality.
In other words, if they kill the baby when it's no longer breastfeeding, the cheese will not be that "good". Do you realize what is going on out there for...taste (and not for survival) ...?
But more than anything, I want the people who have already understood that we are right, the people who have already seen some things and have read about all that, the ones who are aware, I want them to move on and change their lifestyle. These people who are saying that they are feeling ashamed to look at us in the eyes because they haven't quit animal products...These people who are still eating a cow mother's food and the indolence is winning them...I want them to remember all that I have shared in this blog post next time they are about to eat animal products. Because these people are one step before the change and I am almost sure that they don't want to feel excluded from the mainstream society. Some are scared to take this last breath and dive because they know the psychological cost that we are experiencing, all of us, who already did it.
But what matters the most? Does taste value more than an animal's life? Is it higher, the value of comfort than the value of life?
We are not made to eat animals!
EDUCATE YOURSELF! Before it's too late....
There are so many documentaries with lots of doctors speaking (Forks over Knives, What the health, Eating you alive, Food Inc., Plant Pure Nation) and lots of scientific papers that someone can find online which all prove the correlation between consumption of animal products and their by-products (get over it, the words meat and dairy are created so people can speak about their food without doing the connection that it's a part of a dead animal or product of an abused animal) with the presence of many types of cancer (breast, prostate, ovarian, colon), rheumatic arthritis, dementia, osteoporosis and many more chronic diseases. Which shouldn't leave nowadays any doubt for anyone living in the western world that has access to knowledge in order to justify animal products consumption.
There are many excuses but there is NO justification!
The food we were born to eat - Dr. Mc Dougall
So if we are not designed to eat animals, why are we doing it? Just because we can?
In that case, the rapist can keep raping women because he can. White people can keep abusing, exploiting and enslave black people...And men can still abuse their women and kids.
What, no?
If these ideas are bothering you then the idea of an animal suffering should bother you as well.
Please, if you are reading this text and you are still eating animal products, do the transgression. Open your heart and mind, go vegan and know that no matter how big the psychological cost is, when we are thinking, how many battles we have to give... the feeling when you go to bed knowing that you didn't eat, wear nor wash yourself (with) something that for its production an animal had to get killed, cannot be compared to anything.
At the end of our life, when we will turn to look back, we will feel peace because we 'll know that we decided to stand at the right side of the history. What about you?
If you want to go vegan but you need further advice, subscribe here:
Nutritionists, activists etc will be advising you throughout the first 22 days...I wish I had this opportunity when I turned vegan....
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